Discover our new collection


Discover Moken's special offers here. Our French brand offers you sunglasses at the best prices! Here's a selection of bio-sourced, plant-, wood-, cork- and stone-based sunglasses at reduced prices. Take advantage of our special offers to treat yourself to the sunglasses you love so much!

Rambler Rambler Rambler
Limited special offer


Color : Black
€27.30 €39.00
Reduced price-30%
Rambler sunglasses Rambler Wayfarer sunglasses are inspired by the 1930s. This model is made from bio-sourced materials. Extremely resistant and lightweight, the Rambler is the ultimate casual model. Equipped with...
Edgar Edgar Edgar
Limited special offer


Color : Black
€48.30 €69.00
Reduced price-30%
Edgar sunglasses The model Edgar is the most hybrid of the Moken Collection. Its Wayfarer shape . Sa forme Wayfarer slightly curved brings a sporty and chic touch resolutely comfortable. These sunglasses are made...
Fatch Fatch Fatch
Limited special offer


Color : Black
€29.50 €59.00
Reduced price-50%
Fatch sunglasses Made for the wider faces looking for a style between retro and sports. This style is ideal to be worn with an Helmet and in rough conditions. Made out of bio-materials, The Fatch stands out among all...
Fatch Fatch Fatch
Limited special offer


Color : Black
€29.50 €59.00
Reduced price-50%
Fatch sunglasses Made for the wider faces looking for a style between retro and sports. This style is ideal to be worn with an Helmet and in rough conditions. Made out of bio-materials, The Fatch stands out among all...
Fatch Fatch Fatch
Limited special offer


Color : Black
€24.50 €49.00
Reduced price-50%
Fatch sunglasses Made for the wider faces looking for a style between retro and sports. This style is ideal to be worn with an Helmet and in rough conditions. Made out of bio-materials, The Fatch stands out among all...
Showing 1-5 of 5 item(s)
