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Discover Moken's special offers here. Our French brand offers you sunglasses at the best prices! Here's a selection of bio-sourced, plant-, wood-, cork- and stone-based sunglasses at reduced prices. Take advantage of our special offers to treat yourself to the sunglasses you love so much!

Clark Clark Clark
Limited special offer


Color : Brown
€69.50 €139.00
Reduced price-50%
The clark model is a frame made out biodegradable plastic. Inspired from the 80’s with rather sharp angles and a flat top, thisunisex biodegradable sunglasses will reveal a local secret in its eartip were a pine tree...
Dune Dune Dune
Limited special offer


Color : Brown
€97.30 €139.00
Reduced price-30%
Dune sunglasses are made from biodegradable plastic. Drawing its inspiration from the 60s, this frame has a fluttering pantos shape ideal for small faces.
Showing 1-2 of 2 item(s)
