Discover our new collection


Discover Moken's special offers here. Our French brand offers you sunglasses at the best prices! Here's a selection of bio-sourced, plant-, wood-, cork- and stone-based sunglasses at reduced prices. Take advantage of our special offers to treat yourself to the sunglasses you love so much!

Rambler Rambler Rambler
Limited special offer


Color : Blue
€27.30 €39.00
Reduced price-30%
Rambler sunglasses Rambler Wayfarer sunglasses are inspired by the 1930s. This model is made from bio-sourced materials. Extremely resistant and lightweight, the rambler is the ultimate casual model. Equipped with...
Edgar Edgar Edgar
Limited special offer


Color : Blue
€48.30 €69.00
Reduced price-30%
Edgar sunglasses The model Edgar is the most hybrid of the Moken Collection. Its Wayfarer shape . Sa forme Wayfarer slightly curved brings a sporty and chic touch resolutely comfortable. These sunglasses are made...
Writer II Writer II Writer II
Limited special offer

Writer II

Color : Multicolor
€32.00 €64.00
Reduced price-50%
WRITER II Inspired by the iconic clubmaster model with an injection face combo, this sunglass will accompany you in your daily life. Mixed, this sunglasses is equipped with polarized lenses of category 3....
Dune Dune Dune
Limited special offer


Color : Blue
€69.50 €139.00
Reduced price-50%
The Dune sunglasses are made out of biodegradable plastic. Taking its inspiration straight from the 60s, frame is a sligthly butterflying pantos shape ideal for small to medium faces. As for all our sunglasses a small...
Hepburn Hepburn Hepburn
Limited special offer


Color : Multicolor
€32.00 €64.00
Reduced price-50%
Hepburn Sunglasses The Hepburn model from the Moken collection is straight out of Marylin and JFK's time. Its reworked, slightly butterflied shape evokes the chic, retro ambience of the 60s. Hepburn sunglasses...
Showing 1-5 of 5 item(s)
